Kathy Barry-Hippensteel

Ashton Drake provided the following information on doll artist, Kathy Barry-Hippensteel:

“Kathy Barry-Hippensteel has deciated her career to creating the most lifelike child dolls possible. This dedication has earned her awards in virtually every show she has entered, including a top award from the Illinois Doll Makers’ Association.

Today, Ms. Hippensteel’s dolls are displayed with the most celebrated dolls of this century in doll museums in Paris, France, and in the United States. Private collectors consider her works to be some of their most valued acquisitions.”

” There’s so much of the grownup-to-be in children,” says Ms. Hippenstell. “Every time they play ‘pretend,’ we get a glimpse of the future. That’s why “Little Sherlock’s’ enthusiam is so catching. he’s small, but with big dreams we can all understand.”